28 April 2015

Analyzing 2-mode Network using Pajek Part 3

Before in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series of Analyzing 2-mode network using Pajek software I already told you about how to simplified a network and find centrality of a network. Now in this part, I wanna tell you about how to do hierarchical clustering in a network.

Using simple human language, cluster is something that grouping several people that have same characteristics. So, it can be easier to find out something in a large social network.

First, open your simplified network

Second, follow this instruction :
Cluster - Create Complete Cluster
Operations - Network + Cluster - Dissimilarity* - Network based - d5 Correct Euclidian 
Fill the pop-up window with 0
Save the file which is EPS file that contains dendogram of the clustering
Open the dendogram file using Ms. Word.

This dendogram explain how people clustered based on their future dreams.

But you can also see the hierarchi through Pajek with clicking File - Hierarchy - Viet/Edit . Then, a small window of hierarchy will pop-out and you can drop down the root and see there are two clusters there.

To close the tree, you can click Edit - Change Type in the viewing hierarchy window.

To know the result, you have to do the partition first with clicking Hierarchy - Make Partition. Then, you can draw the network with Draw - Network + First Partition

The result is like the picture below. The network clustered into two clusters. Each cluster presents people who has the same future dreams.

Actually, a network with two clusters can be shrunk. Shrinking a network discloses how clusters are linked to each other and how good the clustering result is.

You can do that by click Operations - Network + Partition - Shrink Network

A small window will pop-up and you have to fill the minimum number of lines between clusters and how many clusters that will not be shrunk.

After you click OK, you can draw the Network + First Partition and the result is like this

You can see in the shrink network results that Claire groups have links with other groups. For example Claire wants to be proud parents and that dream also in Niek group's dreams.

Okay... that's for now about the analyzing 2-mode network using Pajek. Hope it can be useful for you and if you have any questions you can comment down below. :)

Thank you for reading this article  ^^

Intan Web Developer

A Wife and PhD candidate to-be in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Dreamer, Writer, Traveller, and Tech Addict. Like to travel everywhere and experience anything.

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